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We, here at Ingenium Motors, purchase your car directly from you. Selling your car to Ingenium Motors is a hassle free alternative to private sale which involves:

  • Spending significant amount of your time and money for getting a roadworthy (RWC) certificate.
  • Spending your time and money for advertising your car
  • Waiting around for strangers to inspect your car
  • The risk of not selling your car for a long time while you need to pay ongoing cost of registration, maintenance, insurance and renewing your RWC certificate.

So why not calling Ingenium Motors now for selling your car without any headache?

Or are you thinking of trading in your current vehicle? Trading in a vehicle is a lot less hassle than selling it yourself. And you can also lower your payments by trading in a vehicle as well. Win-win!

We’re here to help you make an informed decision.

Call Us now or simply fill the following form so we can contact you ASAP!

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We recommend that you upload photos in full resolution for better results. You may upload up to 12 images and each image may be no larger than 5MB

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